Troubleshooting and Support Information


Fledge keep detailed logs of system events for both auditing and troubleshooting use. To access them, click “Logs” in the left menu bar. There are five logs in the system:

  • Audit: Tracks all configuration changes and data uploads performed on the Fledge system.

  • Notifications: If you are using the Fledge notification service this log will give details of notifications that have been triggered

  • Packages: This log will give you information about the installation and upgrade of Fledge packages for services and plugins.

  • System: All events and scheduled tasks and their status.

  • Tasks: The most recent scheduled tasks that have run and their status

If you have a service contract for your Fledge system, your support technician may ask you to send system data to facilitate troubleshooting an issue. To do this, click on “Support” in the left menu and then “Request New” in the upper right of the screen. This will create an archive of information. Click download to retrieve this archive to your system so you can email it to the technician.